11-3 and 11-4 are both the same problem. Only the names and the numbers are changed, but the process is exactly the same in both problems.
<em><u>11-3)</u></em>. If Andy joins the health club, he will pay $34.50 every month. How many months are in year ? Over here where I come from, we get 12 months each year. Andy will pay $34.50 twelve times. All together, he will spend (12) x ($34.50) = $414 on membership.
<em><u>11-4)</u></em>. Julie rides her bike 5 times a week. 34.75 miles on Monday 34.75 miles on Tuesday 34.75 miles on Friday 34.75 miles on Saturday 34.75 miles on Sunday. How many 7 total miles does she ride each week ?