Plasma contains albumins that need we need to maintain osmotic balance
Yes, this statement is true
Schemas refers to a cognitive frame work which help humans to organize and give interpretations to information obtained both from within and from the external enviroment. Schema guide human cognitive processes and behaviour. Schema helps in structuring our memories by acting as a glue which hold all the information we have gathered together. Shcema is used in recognizing new experience and in relating it with old experiences. Schema affects humans' perception, encoding, memory recall, etc.
Olá! Eu acredito que você colocou sua pergunta na categoria errada. Não se esqueça de fazer a pergunta na seção de idiomas estrangeiros para evitar que a pergunta seja excluída.
Com sua pergunta real, não acho que posso ajudá-lo com isso, e sinto muito por isso.
Consequences of the widespread use of plastic materials can be an increase in levels pollution and the overflowing of landfills because most plastics are non-biodegradable and can take a very long time to disappear unlike things like paper which are biodegradable.