TO show your evidence in a different form other than just writing it you can simply just show the reader a different form of facts.
adjective, com·mon·er, com·mon·est.
widespread; general; universal: common knowledge.
Allusion is a brief and indirect reference to a person, place, thing or idea of historical, cultural, literary or political significance.
Here's a tip: write about what you did during winter break, what goals are, what your thoughts and feelings are. Also write about what your plans are for the future, if you have any motivations, or anything that makes you happy.
I hope I helped you out. Hopefully it'll give you some ideas on what to write about.
There are several reasons that Carbon-12 was chosen as the standard for determining the relative mass of other atoms.
- Its abundance on earth
- Carbon-12 is a very stable isotope atom
- Its has the same number of neutrons and protons hence more ideal to use for a precise calculation of <em>amu</em> (atomic mass unit) -
The mass of an atom are based on the ¹/12 mass of Carbon-12.