Hi there!
Ok, so, here are the important facts:
Yearly population growing rate : 0.9%
Population in January 2016 : 1 988 817
Population in January 2019 (3 years later) : x
First off, you need to calculate 0.9% of the population in January 2016 to figure out the number of people it represents :
Saying 0.9% of 1 988 817 is like saying 0.9% times 1 988 817!

To solve this, you can use the cross product method :
(1 988 817 × 0.9) ÷ 100 = ?
1 789 935.3 ÷ 100 = ?
17 899.353 = ?
So 0.9% represents a growing rate of 17 899.353 people (we'll keep the decimals just to be more precise in the end).
Now, since you want to know the expected population in January 2019, 3 years later, you need to multiply 17 899.353 by 3 and then add the result to the population number in 2016 :
(17 899.353 × 3) + 1 988 817 = x
53 698.059 + 1 988 817 = x
2 042 515.059 = x
2 042 515 ≅ x (Since we are talking about a population, which represents a certain amout of people, you need to round the number)
Your answer is : The expected population of Indianapolis in January 2019 would be of 2,042,515 people.
There you go! I really hope this helped, if there's anything just let me know! :)