The nurse will be of help to the parents at this time by telling them of the possibility of having the infant a success in the surgery. It is best to encourage the parents to be at ease. And to tell them that they should not think of the possible things that could go wrong for it is best to think of the best.
As human has about 350 olfactory receptors and subtypes work in various conditions allowing us to sense about 10,000 doors. All senses of smell and tastes merge at the back of the throat.
As you taste something before smelling it the smell lingers on inside in the nose which makes you smell it. As both the smell and taste are chemoreceptors which means both have chemically same sensing environments.
In addition, the division of taste receptors within the nose coordinate with activities, although humans can distinguish between the tastes from the smells of the objects.
Working together to create a perception of flavor through the nasal passage.