The Intolerable Acts were laws that were set by Great Britain onto the colonists, after the Boston Tea Party. These laws were essentially punishments for the colonists trying to rebel and act out on Great Britain. These acts are known for being very harsh on the colonists. Many of the colonists thought they were unfair and these laws started to push them closer to revolution.
The Boston Port Act was just one law under the Intolerable Acts and it closed the Boston port until the colonists had paid for all of the tea they had dumped in the harbor during the Boston Tea Party. Since the port was closed so tightly, only wood and food could go through the port, not even hay for horses. This was a major complaint from colonists, as they felt it was unfair that all of Boston was paying for what a couple of people had done.
The Quartering Act was another law under the Intolerable Acts and it made it so the colonists were forced to house British soldiers if needed. This really angered the colonists, as they wanted to keep their distance from the British troops. This distance was now tarnished, as they were forced to house them, even cooking for them and washing their clothes. Since this was such a major complaint by the colonists, they assured that this would never happen again by creating the Third Amendment, which prohibits soldiers from being quartered in homes without consent.
The colonists had many complaints about the Intolerable Acts, these are just a few. They despised these acts and deemed them to be entirely unfair and once again believed that Great Britain was abusing their power.
What does the Europeans want from these countries? Raw Materials. Why? During that time Great Britain industrial revolution was going on. You need raw materials like Iron to create products to sell. Boost europeans economy, so they exploit other countries.
How? Most common strategy they use was Divide and Conquer. They divide the country up, make them fight each other. Then use that weakness to control both sides. Europeans believe they have a far superior govt. than other countries, so they will "parent" other countries. Another way is promising them technology, medicine and education. Once again these countries they are imperializing are far from advanced than Great Britain.
C. Inevitable
They were going to need to expand any way because they were running out of room on the East coast
On August 23, 1939–shortly before World War II (1939-45) broke out in Europe–enemies Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union surprised the world by signing the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact, in which the two countries agreed to take no military action against each other for the next 10 years.
The correct answer is D.
The commitees in the US Congress are legislative sub-organizations, and each develops specialized knowledge on its subject (Agriculture, Armed Services, or Financial Services, for example).
The comitees supervise on-going governmental operations, identify matters that should be analized through legislative review, they compare and evaluate legislative alternatives; identify policy problems and propose possible solutions and they recommend courses of action to be discussed in the Congress chambers.
<u>Comitees are fundamental and completely inherent to the legislative process undertaken in Congress</u>, as it is not possible that Congress members are specialists on every subject discussed in the chambers and therefore they have to rely on the valuable information elaborated by the comitees in order to reach appropiate decisions.