A) "Hands-Off" approach
Mussolini was seen as "the savior of Italy from the hands of the communists," deserving the applause and full support of the business community as well as the American media: "People in those regions of the world need governments that we would consider eccentric, too theatrical, but Mussolini, firmly keeps Italy free from communist contamination, "read a Financial Times editorial of the time.
Hitler deserved VIP treatment from the US government, the banking system, the business community, and the media until near the entry of England and France into the War against Fascism.
Henry Ford became a personal friend of Hitler and provided him with the means of making the "popular car" - Volks (people) Wagen (automobile) that he so wanted.
Exporters of metals such as iron, lead, and chemicals such as gunpowder were generous in the price and supply of Nazi Germany during their rearmament (which was "illegal" due to the Versailles Treaty, but legality or illegality never restrained the US business " do good business ".
IBM manufactured the equipment needed to account for unwanted prisoners to the Nazi state. All Communists, Jews, homosexuals and Gypsies sporting a numbered iron engraving were rigorously accounted for by the pioneer machines (rudimentary computers) provided by IBM.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt frowned on this development around nascent tyranny. Particularly because he had suffered a failed attempt at a fascist coup against his government reported by retired General Smedley Butler, according to his appointment to a US Congressional Committee in 194, wealthy businessmen were plotting to create a fascist organization with veterans and use it in a coup. state to overthrow President Roosevelt, but Butler would have been invited to be the leader of that organization. Although the US Congress acknowledged the overwhelming evidence presented as irrefutable evidence of the attempted coup, given the enormous sympathy for Nazism in the United States at the time, none involved was punished. Vice President Harry Truman was said to have been part of the Plot, and it is even suspected that Roosevelt's demise before the end of his term was not due to natural causes. This issue has never been investigated.