Lowest Level; Machine Language.
The lowest level of a computer is machine language, which are strings of 0's and 1's in bits, and it's possible to perform tasks at this level. It's however difficult to do and humans created <em>Assembly</em>; a type of low level programming language to be readable, and converts to machine language so that we don't have to work in binary.
<h2> <u>NETWORK</u> <u>TOPOLOGY</u> .</h2>
This tefers to how nodes are connected to the network.
Types of topology.
- Physical topology.
- Logical topology.
In physical topology,nodes are connected physically using wires(cables).
Types of physical topology include:
- Bus topology
- Tree topology
- Hybrid topology
- Star topology
- Ring topology.
Hope it helps you,any question so far...comment !!!
The answer is Every six months
A battery acts as the brain of a car and is used to power almost everything. It can last up to five years. However, this lifespan will depend on how well the battery is maintained and the type of weather conditions you live in. Aim to check your car battery at least twice a year. Actually, it is best to check your battery regularly and not to wait for your mechanic to test your battery during routine servicing.