In his old age he became a communist and during the cold war it was just too tough to be a communist in the US. He went to Ghana after it became the first African country. DuBios has worked for African independence all his life, and was invited to enjoy it by Kwame Nkrumah, his old friend, and Ghana's first president.
As a Jew myself, I had heard (not knowing for sure if it’s factual) that Jews who ate Kosher food did not get the Bubonic plague. Presumably, this was due to the fact that pork carried the virus of this particular plague. It also might have accounted for the fact that non-Jews were suspicious of why the Jews were not as affected.
They were persecuted by the Church of England.
They were extreme Puritans, that is to say they disapproved of several of the rituals and practices of the Church of England that had been established by parliament at the beginning of Elizabeth I’s reign.