Answer: Alliances made nations over confident and reckless. They emboldened leaders to act recklessly. Leaders knew that if they did declare war, powerful allies were obligated to fight along with them. (No country wanted to be seen as an unreliable partner.)
Explanation: Hopefully this helps u with what ever u are doing. I don't know if this is the right answer.
El Senado de los Estados Unidos de América rechazó el Tratado de Versalles, significando que quedaba por fuera de la Sociedad de Naciones.
El Senado de los Estados Unidos de América rechazó el Tratado de Versalles, firmado el 28 de junio de 1.919 y entrado en vigor el 10 de enero de 1.920, tras dos votaciones: noviembre de 1.919 y marzo de 1.920, significando que este país no incluyó ese tratado entre los documentos de derecho internacionales reconocido, no siendo firmado por aquel país, el cual no hizo parte de la Sociedad de Naciones.
The two main resources that people are in conflict over are oil and water.
Water is an important resource in the Middle East because of how limited it is. Most of the region is dry. Conflicts occurred when countries are using more than their share of the water resources.
Answer: U.S. Domestic policy would be concerned with all the following except the following: Arbitration between China and Taiwan over disputed islands in the South China Sea. Domestic policy focuses on issues with the United States that directly impact its citizens.
The best and easiest way to participate in the government is to stay informed of the political climate as well as the events that are occurring in the political sphere, both within the nation, and outside. You can always participate in governmental activities by informing yourself, creating a viewpoint, and expressing your viewpoints in desired times, as well as to start shaping your outlook for when you are old enough. Information that is correct is key in allowing one to choose the best candidate when you are legally able to vote.