How capitalism will destroy itself?
Marx's basic belief was that capitalism would destroy itself by creating the conditions wherein workers would no longer feel they had a stake in the game and so would revolt.
a)A principios del siglo XIX, muchos activistas que creían en la abolición de la esclavitud también decidieron apoyar el sufragio femenino. En la década de 1800 y principios de la de 1900, muchos activistas que favorecían la templanza decidieron apoyar también el sufragio femenino. Esto ayudó a impulsar el movimiento por el sufragio femenino en los Estados Unidos.
b) La mujer comenzó a luchar por un sufragio universal.
c) No, no es correcto decir que fueron o siguen siendo invisibles ya que se han modificado muchos derechos para ellos.
d) La encuesta del Pew Research Center a ciudadanos en 38 países encontró que la mayoría en 37 de esos 38 países dijeron que la igualdad de género es al menos "algo importante", y una mediana global del 65% cree que es "muy importante" que las mujeres tengan los mismos derechos. como hombres.
Here’s a list to some of the main causes
1. Poverty: the state of being poor. The most hungry people in the world are the ones that live in extreme poverty. Those mostly are smallholder farmers in developing countries.
2. Job instability: when someone lacks a job or is paid to little to live comfortably they may be facing hunger. They may not have enough money to eat so they only pay for what they have to instead of food for themselves. For example, a single parent paying rent and food for their kid but doesn’t have enough for themselves.
3. Lack of access to safe water: Without access to safe water, crops can’t grow properly, and people can’t survive or stay healthy.
4. Food shortages or scarce availability of food: Food from the previous harvest runs out and families cut back on meals. The more they run out the less they eat.
Explanation:In historiography, the term historical revisionism identifies the re-interpretation of an historical account.[1] It usually involves challenging the orthodox (established, accepted or traditional) views held by professional scholars about a historical event or time-span or phenomenon, introducing contrary evidence, or reinterpreting the motivations and decisions of the people involved. The revision of the historical record can reflect new discoveries of fact, evidence, and interpretation, which then results in revised history. In dramatic cases, revisionism involves a reversal of older moral judgments.
At a basic level, legitimate historical revisionism is a common and not especially controversial process of developing and refining the writing of histories. Much more controversial is the reversal of moral findings, whereby what mainstream historians had considered (for example) positive forces are depicted as negative. Such revisionism, if challenged (especially in heated terms) by the supporters of the previous view, can become an illegitimate form of historical revisionism known as historical negationism if it involves inappropriate methods such as:
the use of forged documents or implausible distrust of genuine documents
attributing false conclusions to books and sources
manipulating statistical data
deliberately mis-translating texts
This type of historical revisionism can present a re-interpretation of the moral meaning of the historical record.[2] Negationists use the term "revisionism" to portray their efforts as legitimate historical revisionism. This is especially the case when "revisionism" relates to Holocaust denial.
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