Before the contract:
Archeologists trust that the main individuals to settle the Americas came here from Asia. It was said that they came strolling over a land connect amongst Siberia and Alaska. These Asian travelers took after groups of creatures which they relied upon for sustenance. In the end, these individuals settled in districts of North and South America and the Caribbean islands. Gatherings were little and generally scattered, and everyone in the end built up a tribal personality, dialect, and culture all its own.
After the contract:
The ailments conveyed to this mainland by the Europeans including bubonic torment, chicken pox, pneumonia torment, cholera, diphtheria, flu, measles, red fever, smallpox, typhus, tuberculosis, and whooping hack.
Can I please get the essay or something I can look at to answer your question? Thanks.
They are forced to leave there jobs and go pick cotton.
Wrote a letter to the president protesting unequal pay for black union soldiers ( James Henry goofing)
ran a government agency that helped locate missing soldiers (Clara Barton )
founded a confederate hospital to treat injured soldiers (sally tompkins )