Depending on the sentence, a pronoun should be placed before or after the verb. In a statement, it will be before, such as in "I can buy a necklace." In a question, it will be after, such as in "Can I buy a necklace?" (which is after the helping verb but before the acting verb)
It would Be D glad to help! ;)
Answer and Explanation:
Subject: Sleepover
Hi Amirul,
It is so nice to hear from you! Yes, I will be there for the sleepover, and I'll make sure to bring my board games and comic books. I can't wait to see you and our friends. Will you please write to me letting me know the date and time?
I can imagine how you feel. Sudden changes like this one are never easy. But give it some time. You may soon realise there are several advantages to living in a condo. For instance, it is much safer than a house. Also, you will get to meet new people and make new friends.
See you soon!
Include labeled illustrations of a flightless bird and a flying bird so readers understand which parts the flightless bird is missing that would allow it to fly.