The Land Ordinance of 1785 was adopted by the United States Congress of the Confederation on May 20, 1785. It set up a standardized system whereby settlers could purchase title to farmland in the undeveloped west. ... The 1785 ordinance laid the foundations of land policy until passage of the Homestead Act in 1862.
Image result for What happened in the battle of Granicus in 334 B.C.?
Let us know. Battle of Granicus, (May 334 bce). The first victorious engagement of Alexander the Great's invasion of the Persian Empire established the Macedonians on enemy soil. ... The victory left Asia Minor wide open to the Macedonian invasion.
Japan is an archipelagic nation situated in eastern Asia and surrounded by the North Pacific Ocean and Sea of Japan. The four main islands of Japan are Honshu, Kyushu, Hokkaido and Shikoku
The Ryukyuan Japanese are indigenous to the Ryukyu Islands chain that stretches from the Japanese island of Kyushu all the way to Taiwan. Starting in 1371, the Ryukyu islands became a key trade intermediary between Chinaand Japan. The Ryukyuan Japanese have several different recognized subgroups and their unique language makes up one of the two branches of the Japonic language family.