they get defeated but also why do u need to know if u just can read the book
Answer:The death of Prince Albert greatly affected Queen Victoria.
The best insight to life during the late 1600s, especially in the Colonies, is the uncertainty of life, how at the time nobody could take anything for granted.
Rowlandson learns from the attack that no one is guaranteed life, no life is above the mishaps of existence (which were even more plentiful at that time) and life can be short and brutal.
Nonetheless, another aspect of the story that offers a powerful insight into life at that time is her unwavering faith in God's will. Throughout the whole experience, Rowlandson keeps her faith and perceives everything that happens into a blessing or a doing of God.
Be igniting the doubt for the person talking to them or telling them the truth
Apperance Vs. Reality in my opinion
Beacuse the speaker, in 'Luncheon', wishes from the start that his date would be a gorgeous woman. He imagines a portrayal of a graceful lady in his mind.