Universal themes teach people about any topic known by man
1. Abstract noun - can be neither seen nor touched. (<em>happiness; liberty</em> etc)
2. Transitive verb - has a receiver named. (He bought <em>a new car </em>)
3. Intransitive verb - has no receiver named. (They are <em>growing </em>)
4. Superlative degree - expresses highest or lowest degree of comparison (the greatest ; the most important etc)
5. Joint ownership - add sign of possession to last name (John and Sara's house)
6. Verb tense - indicates time (Present: I <em>sing</em>. - - Future: I <em>will</em> sing.)
7. Adverb suffix - ly (carefully ; quickly etc)
8. Modifies a noun - adjective (A <em>beautiful</em> house.)
Well that someone is probably homo.phobic sexist an a$s hole, and also a trump supporter. Also if they support trump there’s a good chance there also racist.
It is a LOGO, They are saying basically if you know not to jump infront of a train to know you'll die then why try drugs if you know there bad like why try and hit your head with a hammer if you know you'll bleed
See Ya Broski!