Can you give me more information on what you're talking about, so I can help you!?
Motherboard. The motherboard is like the brain and heart of the computer, all of the components of the computer hook up to the motherboard.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class num2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
int total = 0;
for(int i=0; i<5; i++){
System.out.println("Enter next Int: ");
total = total+in.nextInt();
In the code above written in Java programming language, the for loop statement for(int i=0; i<5; i++) ensures that the loop goes from 0-4 a total of five times.
At each iteration it requests a user to enter an int. The number entered is stored in the variable total which is initially assigned 0.
When the loop finishes execution, total is printed out
wait i don't understand: "Write a program that has the user input how many classes they are taking this semester and then output how many hours they will need to study each week."
All of the above
The report is a piece of critical information in the company's file system that should be saved and secure from adversaries. All the options should be implemented to prevent and manage data leakage.