I would say obsessed, but if I'm wrong please forgive me as I don't really know the entire context of the story/text.
If it they are willing to take a whole hour for the narrator to put their head through an opening just to see the guy, then I would think that they are obsessed with the person.
When montag comes back on land
Katie called, "He looked so belligerent he could have devoured me."
The main idea is about freedom or being independent.
- This is an excerpt from Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer
- This is about a man who went into the wild on adventure. he met many people who were willing to help him. The main idea was McCandless wanted to be free from people who show their authority.
- The level of freedom he requires is complete isolation. He says he wanted to wear shoes without socks but the rule is that the employees had to wear proper footwear.