It creates shadows for a more dynamic photo
What do you need help with?
The subject is plural, and I don't know how to explain this correctly, but I think that's the answer because it makes the verb singular.
٢- اختبأ القرد داخل الصندوق المفتوح
٣- توجه الشرطي نحو اللص الهارب
٤- جلس الراعي بين الاغنام الواقفة
٥- قفز القط وسط الفئران الخائفة
You add the verb and the subject to complete the sentence as I answered.
World literature text reveals information about the particular, culture, event and genres from which they come. World literature is like a world cinema nowadays, it reveals important information of a certain culture of different people, event that happened in the past and genres.