Sargon of Akkadia was the first king to impose widespread imperialism over all of Mesopotamia.
Egyptian nationalization of the Suez Canal during the Suez Crisis meant that "The Egyptian government took control of the canal" specifically from Great Britain.
Germany's resumption of submarine attacks on passenger and merchant ships in 1917 became the primary motivation behind Wilson's decision to lead the United States into World War I. ... Germany also believed that the United States had jeopardized its neutrality by acquiescing to the Allied blockade of Germany.
Banking establishments had been created out of a need to satisfy the marketplace to offer loans to most people. As economies grew banks allowed most of the people to increase their credit and make huge purchases.
traditionally temples have been considered the earliest varieties of banks as they have been occupied through monks and feature come to be a haven for the rich.
The earliest Roman legal guidelines allowed for taking up land in lieu of mortgage payments which have been owed among debtors and lenders.
A well-known economist, Adam Smith all through the 18th century theorized that a self-regulated economic device might allow for markets to reach balance