The number one cost is the amount of lives lost. At least 600,000 people died during the civil war. A human life has no price. So no other cost comes close to the amount of deaths that occurred because of the grueseom civil war. (I DONT HAVE THE ANALYZE IT PASSAGE SO I CAN'T PUT QUOTES.)
The war was costlier for the North. Even though they won, and they got what they wanted. And the south lost their slaves, the North paid way more in human lives. (Add quotes. If you don't have differences in human lives lost, just mention slaves were lost by south)
The Industrial Revolution led to imperialism in Africa in the mid-1800s; the 1st Euro's to explore the interior of Africa were missionaries & explorers; reports of large deposits of natural resources & the rise of nationalism in Europe set off a race for African colonies. Europeans introduced new technologies like railroads, telegraph lines, & steamboats...but transportation routes only connected areas that benefited European businessman; Europeans brought an end to the slave trade but Africans were paid low wages & exploited. Europeans built schools, churches, & hospitals...but Africans were taught European culture; Europeans profited off Africa's raw materials & cheap African labor; Africans were unable to rule themselves, participate in voting, or learn professional skills
They send exactly two representatives
The social contact was a contact where when the government failed to protect and respected their people’s natural rights or satisfy the best interests of society, citizens can withdraw their obligation to obey, or change the leadership through elections.