The answer is (D) any logical number of items or percentages in top or bottom value frames
Excel’s Top/Bottom conditional formatting rule allows you to apply formatting to cells with numeric values that meet a certain statistical condition in relation to cells in the range. When you select this rule from the menu, it allows you to set how many items the formatting should apply. It is not limited to the ‘Top ten’ or ‘bottom ten’ only. The dialog box also gives you an option to change the ‘10’ to a different value that is within the constraints.
You press the shutter button
Enter time 1 HH:MM:SS8:5:22
Enter time 2 HH:MM:SS7:24:37
The program for above in Python is:
from datetime import datetime
s1 = input("Enter time 1 HH:MM:SS")
s2 = input("Enter time 2 HH:MM:SS")
Format1 = '%H:%M:%S'
tdiff = datetime.strptime(s1, Format1) - datetime.strptime(s2, Format1)
We are using the datetime class in datetime module for using strptime to find the difference between the two times.
The output of the given code as follows:
public class Main //define class
public static void printSomething (int num, boolean val) //define method.
num--; //decrease value by 1.
System.out.print(val); //print value.
System.out.print(num); //print value.
public static void main(String[] args) //main method
printSomething(1, true); //calling function
printSomething(2, true); //calling function
true 0
true 1
In the question, it is given there is a method that is "printSomething" is defined. This method accepts two parameters that are num and val. where num is an integer variable and val is boolean variable that holds two values only that are true or false. inside the method, we decrease the value of the num variable by 1 and then we print the value of val and num variable. This function does not return any value because we use return type void.
The function is defined in the same class so, we call the function two times that can be described as:
- In first time calling we pass 1 and true value in function so it will "print true 0".
- In second time calling we pass 2 and true value in function so it will "print true 1".
So you have to read it and make it a pronoun