The government banned workers in important industries from striking.
President Franklin Delano Roseavelt
One stands in front of a Rostrum and one stands upon the Rostra. ... During the late Republic the rostra was used as a place to display the heads of defeated political enemies. Gaius Marius and consul Lucius Cornelius Cinna captured Rome in 87 BC and placed the head of the defeated consul, Gnaeus Octavius, on the Rostra.
The Sixteen Kingdoms ruled throughout the period
The period between the Han dynasty and the Sui dynasty in China was a period of chaos, warfare, and constant change of rulers. It is the period in which the so called Sixteen Kingdoms ruled. They were mostly kingdoms formed by smaller ethnic groups in the northern part of China. In order to get as much territory and wealth as possible, these kingdoms were in constant war between each other and with anyone else standing on their way. This period of the Sixteen Kingdoms lasted for 125 years. Soon after, the Sui dynasty emerged, and it managed to finally put things under control.
He was a good spy and he was theone who brought christnity up that made alot of people like him