In psychology, the term needs refer to the elements an individual consider necessary in his life, these needs influence the behavior or actions of people and are part of their motivations. Additionally, needs are classified into five types including physiological needs that refer to essential needs such as food, water, etc; safety needs related to the security in different context including job; social needs including the need for love and affection; esteem needs related to the self-perception and esteem and self-actualization needs related to self-development. Considering Michael is experiencing financial problems and is mainly afraid of being fired from his job which is related to the safety need, in this case, his safety needs are being heightened as this situation makes Michael feel some pressure or urgency for safety or feeling he has a stable job. Thus, in this case, the type of needs that have become heightened are Michael's safety needs.
Michael is likely dreading that he will be laid off and lose his job next since several other employees at his organization have already been laid off. Due to this his need for security (stability and safety) is heightened.</span></span>
Shaping means to learn behavior and skills through successive approximation. In simple shaping is way of learning in which closer approximation is reinforced to reach and learn the target behavior. Its process of gradual learning in which successive approximation is reinforced to change and learn the new behavior.