See the explanation for the answer
1. Find attached of the structure chart.
2. The first phase in the unit test plan includes testing each data entry program or feature using both true and invalid data and testing each system-generated document. The next step will be the evaluation of integration. It is important to compare and check programs or functions that create or modify flies used by other programs with those other programs or functions that create or modify flies used by other programs. This would involve testing of all relationships and multi-table queries in the database environment. Ultimately, all software and all system support features, including backup and recovery procedures, must be checked together in a system check.
TO: SCR Support Staff and Users
FROM: [Student name]
SUBJECT: Installation of TIMS
We need to agree on an installation plan as the deadline for implementation of TIMS approaches.
Jill Martin and I will provide practical training to all members of the SCR team who will help the TIMS campaign. We will also work with the Systems Group to move our current test environment into the operating environment. This task will include conversion of data, loading of live data and installing the system on workstations of the client.
All system functions performed in the test environment have been successfully executed, so we are looking for a smooth change in phase operation.
Make sure your email is reviewed multiple times a day. The training schedule will be posted later this week, and if there are conflicts with your assigned training times, I will need to know immediately. It's about to start the grand final.
Introduction of system and Tutorials
overview of objectives.
Startup, log-in, and shut User manual
down procedures
System options and commands Group training
System error messages Demonstrations and discussions
Screen details Hands-on experience
System output Question and answer session
Explanation of system reports, Review a list of FAQ
summaries, etc.
Changing the TIMS system presents some problems. Since the new system is aimed at a single location with multiple activities and functions, it may not be attractive for the phased and pilot operation. Parallel operation is possible, using current data to test the new system for some period of time before the new center becomes operational. Even this method would be less than ideal because the new system is closely integrated with all training activities, records and reports.
Although SCR did lesser-scale training, the new training center is essentially a start-up operation. A form of direct cutover is often the only alternative in this type of situation. Using test data and extensive system testing, users and developers can raise the level of trust to an acceptable point. First, it is necessary to convert all existing data, load it into the new system and use it as test data. In case of system problems, all source documents should be retained and all procedures for hardware, backup and disaster recovery should be thoroughly tested.