Because that's where the colonizers came from and they didn't have much when they got here.
B. It allowed all southern children to attend school
Antony says that he should not, for then they would be touched by Caesars love for them. They implore him to read it. He replies that he has been speaking too long he wrongs the honorable men who have let him address the crowd. The plebeians call the conspirators traitors and demand they Antony read the will.
Because Mecca is in a strategic geographical location, in the middle of the West Coast of the Arab Peninsula, which has been a trading area since antiquity.
This is because the populations of the Arab Peninsula were nomadic and semi-nomadic until a few centuries ago, due to the harsh desert climate, and the lack of fertile to soil to make sedentary life possible.
In Mecca, several trade routes met, not only from the Arabian Peninsula, but also from East Africa, which were connected to the Peninsula either through the Sinai or through the Red Sea.