This Act, by prohibiting private monopolization, unreasonable restraint of trade and unfair trade practices, by preventing excessive concentration of economic power and by eliminating unreasonable restraint on production, sale, price, technology and the like, and all other unjust restriction of business. The economic role of competition is to discipline the various participants in economic life to provide their goods and services skillfully and cheaply.
Answer and Explanation:
Under the Uniform Securities Act, the limited registration provision available to Canadian broker-dealers and their agents permit such broker-dealers to conduct businesses with interested people who reside in Canada; in addition, broker-dealers can also conduct businesses with Canadians who plan to reside in the state on a temporary basis, and whom they were already familiar with, prior to the time they came to the United States.
The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLB)
The Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act (GLB) is a law that came into being to repeal existing laws so that banks, investment companies, and other financial services companies could merge. It was enacted in November 1999 by the 106th Congress of the United States.
This law is applicable to the entire insurance agents, brokers, and financial institutions and it highlights the rules around the privacy of information these agencies obtain from customers.
Well I think Security means Freedom the purpose of security is to provide you Freedom.
Um here’s my playlist on spotify