Write documents consisting mainly of text, Create databases, Create tables for organizing and calculating data, Create presentations to display in front of groups to display data and other info, Create advanced documents such as magazines, flyers, coupons, and other things, Organize your day and easily manage contacts and emails.
They are the most common disk exchanging devices.
The output of the following code is "Hello, we are open! Sincerely, the grocery store ".
In the given code firstly we declare the variable that is numApples and numOranges. In this variable we assign value and the datatype of the variable is var. The var datatype can hold any type of data. Then we use the conditional statement. In the conditional statement, we use the OR logical operator. In the if block we check the condition that is if numApples variable value is less then 20 OR numOranges variable value is equal to numApples then it will print "Hello, we are open!". In the else block it will print "Sorry, we are closed!". In the last, we print "Sincerely, the grocery store".So in this question, if block is executed and the additional message is printed.
The correct answer is B: ls -l.
Further Explanation:
In Linux there is a specific command needed to look at the files in a directory. In addition to using the command ls -l, you will need to use < > after the command and insert the name of the file that is being looked for. For example: ls -l <root root 2356 0600 Oct 22 lanyard>.
Each word and character has their own meaning and access information stored in the database. This will also show the users accesses permission to see the file and if needed to write over the file.
Learn more about computer commands at
The output of the code,
phrase = "hello mom"
Would be nothing since you didnt print out anything. How ever, the output of,
phrase = "hello mom"
Would be, "HELLO MOM". You can get the same output by writing this,
phrase = "hello mom"
phrase = phrase.upper()