Answer: Las revoluciones son los grandes momentos decisivos de la historia. Una revolución es un evento tumultuoso y transformador que intenta cambiar una nación, una región o una sociedad y, en algunos casos, incluso el mundo. Lo siento si esto no suena bien, estoy usando un traductor
When Pope Francis told a gathering of scientists this week that the Big Bang and evolution were real, he set off a firestorm of media coverage. But is it really surprising news that the Catholic Church supports such scientific theories?"When we read about Creation in Genesis, we run the risk of imagining God was a magician, with a magic wand able to do everything. But that is not so," Francis said at a meeting of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, according to Reuters. "He created human beings and let them develop according to the internal laws that he gave to each one so they would reach their fulfillment."The pope added at one point: "Evolution in nature is not inconsistent with the notion of creation, because evolution requires the creation of beings that evolve."
Las comedias se representaban bajo los auspicios del estado y eran tema de competición. Obtuvieron el reconocimiento del Estado después que las tragedias, habiendo sido puestas en escena previamente por los actores a sus propias expensas.
May I have brainliest?
<u>Answer:</u> False
<u>Reasoning:</u> We prefer everyone to have their word and opinion stated in a meeting. Even young adults, even teenagers at times.
Imperial nations needed to conquer other nations