Pones lo que representes al elemento E y en la parte de arriba a la derecha pones -3 (ya que es un anion), dice que tiene 46 neutrones, asi que lo pones en la parte de abajo a la derecha, y tambien te dice el numero de electrones, lo cual te ayudara para hllar el numero atomico, para eso debes (si es anion, es negativo, por lo tanto sumas; y si es cation, es positivo, asi que restas al numero de electrones que te den), entonces como es cation, le sumas al 36 que es el nº de electrones, sale 39, entonces ese es el nº atomico, luego para hallar el numero de masa debes sumar nº atomico y nº de neutrones, y te sale 85 .
clima, dióxido de carbono, gases de efecto invernadero, deforestación y precipitación.
hambriento means hungry, it fits because the lion is hungry and wants to eat.
1. What does don Juan promise Isabela? 2. How does it discover deception? 3. Who is charged with investigating? What connection is there between him and don Juan? What problem does Don Pedro have for that? 4. Why is don Juan in Italy? Where does Don Pedro send him? Where does don Juan really intend to go? Vv. 121-190 5. How does don Pedro explain don Juan's escape? 6. What is the conversation between Isabela and the king about? What impression do you have of this conversation? Vv. 191-374 7. What is Octavio's state of mind? 8. What action does Ripio recommend? Why does Octavio reject her? What does rejection entail? 9. Why has Don Pedro come to the house? 0. In what terms does Pedro describe the encounter between Isabela and the man? How do you describe the man during your own encounter with him? 1. How does Octavio respond? Actually, could he have heard of a rumor about Isabela? (remember how she calls John in the first scene) 2. Tn loo vonces 245 25A dinn den Dedno la II.