I would say that the social support systems of developed countries are far more advanced than those in developing countries. Developed countries invest about 40% of total money into these programs that ensure the safety of their citizens. On the other hand, developing countries invest less that 10% which means that the system is poorer and doesn't provide much for citizens.
<span><span>"african american" for part of the u.s. population.<span><span>Ask for details </span><span>Follow </span>Report</span><span> by <span>YeoItzJenny6815 </span>3 hours ago</span></span><span><span>Your answer </span> (QUIT)</span><span><span>Leoclara2031 </span> BeginnerADD YOUR ANSWER</span></span>
For the poem I will choose the desert, since between the Mediterranean and equatorial regions of Africa there are two large deserts, the Sahara to the north and the Kalahari to the south.
Oasis for the meeting
Our souls are undressed,
Oasis natural essences
Where our love becomes a verse
And where we are.
In the desert of stillness
I will vacuum your perfume
Where the desert of my thirst
Will look for your mouth
In a generous waterfall.
they dont pay the payment so it gets repossesed
Some countries, require that you, as a foreigner, when you travel, hire a health insurance. If not, they will not grant your visa.
Of course, you can travel without health insurance and nothing can happen. But the purpose of paying a health insurance for the time that you are in a foreign country is that it covers the costs of sudden and unexpected illness or injurt.
In the majority of the cases, health insurance covers out-patient care, in patient treatment, emergency dental treatment and repatriation