Sociologists view that race is the concept of categorization of groups of people on the basis of skin color or physical differences. Researches by sociologist proves that it does not have a biological foundation and therefore they critique the concept of race as a social and political construct. There stress that race lacks scientific meaning makes this statement false.
Plainchant is a kind of medieval church music which includes chorusing or words which are sung, without any instrumental complement. It is also called plainsong.
Plainchant is similar to the Gregorian Chant, which we have confronted while studying about early music forms. Gregorian Chant is a modification of plainchant which is a simplistic kind of music is the conventional recitative. Recitative songs are governed by a single pitch, proclaimed as the reciting tone.
The answer to the this item is B. False There are generally less than eight characteristics that apply to all adolescents. These characteristics to puberty or adolescence are: peer relationships, independence or autonomy, self-centered attitudes, and testing rules and boundaries or intense curiosity.
1. - Christianity is based on monotheism , which is the worship and belief that one god is true.
2. - Christianity is one of the top major religions in the world