Interventionism- to prevent Soviet influence, to keep control over natural resources ,and more recently: to prevent the spread of religious fundamentalist terrorism
"A. Most Russians of all classes <span>were Orthodox Christians, not Catholics or Protestants" is the best option, since Russia was very much "shut off" from the world and did not experience other religious entities very often.</span>
Appealed to voters by emphasizing his lack of experience in federal government, and both his personal honesty and his religious piety
According to Christian faith, God is love. So when we think about God, we don't actually imagine a bearded old man sitting on a cloud watching over us. God doesn't have a form because it is an abstract idea which encompasses beautiful and good feelings such as love, empathy, happiness, caring, compassion, etc. So I guess you could say that in a way, by experiencing such feelings, we are closer to God because God is within all of us.