These are proteins right??
if they are it means
double helix (transcribed strand)
DNA double helix
RNA transcribed
appropriate RNA anticodon
amino acids incorporated
The answer is ribosomes.
The ribosome is the molecular machine inside the cell that makes protein from amino acids in a process called translation. It binds to a messenger RNA (mRNA) and reads the information contained in the sequence of bases of the mRNA.
Transfer RNAs (tRNAs) containing amino acids enter the ribosome in a special pocket or binding site, called the acceptor site (A site). Once correctly bound, the ribosome can add the amino acid on the tRNA to the growing protein chain, linking each amino acid to another with pin point accuracy.
The concept of cell signaling is helpful to other fields as they listen to what is signaling them and form a unified action plan.
Animal scientists applies principles of the biological, physical, and social sciences to the problems associated with livestock production and management.
option B
there are 22 pair of autosome and 2 pair of sex chromosome