The bright light blinded me for a moment.
A word is used in the denotative sense (proper or literal) when it presents its original meaning, regardless of the phrase context in which it appears. When referring to its most objective and common meaning, the one immediately recognized and often associated with the first meaning that appears in dictionaries, being the most literal meaning of the word. Among the options shown in the question, the only sentence that uses the word "bright" with the denotative meaning is the phrase: "The bright light blinded me for a moment.
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Agnosia is a situation in which a patient finds it difficult to recognize familiar objects. June is also facing similar symptoms as she is unable to recognize her family member, close friends and other familiar objects. June is experiencing Visual Agnosia. This is a condition where a person is not able to recognize familiar objects. This may also result in impairment of visual recognition, motivation and intelligence.
This Stage of development where Scott gave 25 years to the company and and was complacent that he balanced his Family and work is called Generativity vs. stagnation.
Generativity refers to "making your mark" on the world by caring for others as well as creating and accomplishing things that make world a better place. Whereas Stagnation is failure in finding a way to do it or contribute.
The Word does not die for its origins are not fleshly in origin