Option: They were tired of Britain's interference in trade and the impressment of American sailors.
Farmers and frontier settlers demand war against Britain because of the laws and regulation that implemented on them. The navigation acts controlled the trading rights of the colonies. The acts made settlers annoyed because they reduced the economic opportunities for the colonies. These acts eventually served in bringing the Revolutionary War in America.
It led to the collapse of the military power that had held the Soviet Union together, causing the union to dissolve.
Mikhail Gorbachev reforms in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe lead to the collapse of communism. Gorbachev promoted a new policy called glasnost. He promoted the democratization of society hoping for the participation of ordinary citizens. Gorbachev withdrew the Soviet army from Afghanistan. He released Eastern Europe from Soviet domination, permitting the dismissal of the Warsaw Pact, the Soviet military alliance in the area and stopped nuclear testing.
The correct answer is mining. Improved transportation will most likely benefit the mining industry by facilitating the easy movement of mining equipment and mined materials. This is particularly because of the bulky nature of minerals and the equipment that is required in mining operations.
In the
1600s, for Britain to restrict colonial trade, the Navigation Acts were
made. The Parliament made the Acts to protect
the British shipping against the Dutch and other foreign powers. The competition
in trading was very evident during that time thus this was one of their
purposes. Another is for Britain to have monopoly on colonial commodities like
tobacco and sugar. During that time, the principle of mercantilism dominated when
it comes to the economic system. The context stated that the nation’s wealth
depends on accumulated supply of gold. As per conventional wisdom, wealth is
limited because there is also a limited supply of gold. And imperialism states
that primarily colonies, preferably through the discovery of gold but also
through the production of natural resources, expanded its wealth. Mercantilist
model states that open trade could only result to loss of wealth and this was
what the Navigation Acts wanted to lessen if not abolish. The Acts were made
for the purpose of retaining the imperial realm’s wealth where trading power
had to utilize the colonies’ resources within a closed- trade system.