Finding a price that is 30% lower than $2075 is the same as finding a price that is 70% of $2075.
That means all we need to do is calculate what is 70% of $2075.
Convert 70% into decimal form which is 0.70.
Next, multiply $2075 by 0.70.
$2075*0.70 = $1452.50
The price the travel agent found was $1452.50
Note: If you don't know how to multiply by decimals you can multiply $2075 by 7 than divide the result by 10 (move the decimal point one place to the left).
Answer: the answer is B, or P(B|C)=9/24=0.38
Step-by-step explanation:
If you look at the table, you can see that 9 is where BC is. So, 9 is the numerator. The denominator is 24 because that is the total number.
Also, I got this answer correct on Edge
For the answer to the question above asking about probabilities.
<span>the answer for a) would be 56/200 = 7/25
The answer for
b) would be 75/200 = 3/8 and
lastly the answer for
c)34/200 = 17/100
</span>I hope my answer helped you. Feel free to ask more questions. Have a nice day!