A misfire code is a type A diagnostic trouble code.
A type A misfire indicates impending catalyst damage and is the most serious type of misfire condition. If this type of misfire is detected, the MIL may flash once per second to notify the driver that the car needs immediate service as soon as possible. In addition, a DTC is set and a freeze frame data is stored.
<span>"rws" means that the user has permissions to read, write and setuid. "r" means the user can read the file and "w" means that the user can write to the file. "s" stands for "setuid" (set user id) is a permission bit that allows the users to execute a program with the permissions of its owner. The "s" can also mean "setgid" (set group id) is a bit that allows the user to execute a program with the permissions of the group owner.</span>
The principles of creating equations are the same in
PowerPoint 2007 and later. Assuming Danny is using PowerPoint 2010, he will
click on the insert tab then go ahead and choose the Equation in the symbols
Dani will be able to click on the equation option and use the Equation
Tools Design tab or click on the drop down arrow to view more equations
Binary sort
Binary sort is one of the fastest search techniques used on arrays and other iterable data types. It algorithm sorts the array in ascending order then gets the item in the middle from which it divides the array to be searched in two parts. If the searched term is less than the mid item, then it is searched for in the first part, else it would be in the second.