In factories- it was rough, everyone is on a handful of hours of sleep, they barely got paid, and when children were working in the factories, they would hurt themselves a lot.
So it's been years since I've studied this, but I do know one thing important is the introduction of coin Currency and establishment of banks
What is most important to Abraham Lincoln was slavery he wanna all the slaves to be free that is so important to him
They can lead to the lifting of sanctions.
Aid doesn't help an economy.
Competing with the United States is more like a result of having a developed economy, rather than a cause of an economy developing. Plus, the United States wouldn't likely export the same things as a developing nation.
International trade agreements don't help an economy to 'grow quickly', plus this is a really general answer.
The lifting of sanctions is really important. It's hard to develop under sanctions. Trade agreements allow for the regulation, reduction and removal of sanctions. For example, if the US made a trade deal with Mexico, it would greatly help Mexico to develop, as they would now be trading more freely with the United States.
Public service journalism "refers to times when the media acts as an advocate for the public" and "<span>is also known as investigative reporting and
attempts to uncover information that might be helpful or prevent
exploitation of the public or individuals."</span>