Fishes lay eggs and are not warm blooded vertebrates and don't have hair or fur
I know alot of poeple who make how they dress their perosnality.
I'm assuming that the woman could have Hh or HH since they don't specify
If the woman has HH, all the children will not have a hitchhiker's thumb
if the woman has Hh the offspring could have either Hh, Hh, or hh
pls make me brainliest :) thx
It should be an igneous rock because it formed by the volcanoes lava cooling down
Predators have to eat. If things are good in an eco-system then the prey is eating good which means the predators can eat good also. Starvation means that things in the eco-system are going bad. Also, It helps the earth maintain its balance. If too much of any aspect of the system is removed it throws the whole thing off balance. too many herbivores will eat too much vegetation.