The time period 1750-1900, compare the following: rationales for state expansion, processes of state expansion, and indigenous responses to state expansion is described below in complete details.
Enlightenment philosophers employed new forms of knowledge and empiricist methods to both the human relationship and natural world; they also reviewed the use that religion represented in common life and highlighted the significance of reason. Philosophers formed new political thoughts about the individual, the social contract, and the natural rights.
Answer: Maintaining a good health is necessary for maintaining the fitness of the body for performing daily physical activities.
1. The obesity is caused by the excess accumulation of fat in the body which lead to weight gain and the person is expected to get overweight. The people suffering from obesity are expected to accumulate cholesterol and fats in their blood vessels leads to arteriosclerosis and hypertension.
2. The low body physical activity, intake of heavy diet rich in fats and oil contribute to the accumulation of fat.
3. The desired state for the healthy life is daily exercise, appropriate sleep, reduction of sedentary life and healthy eating habits including fibers in the food which prevent constipation.
4. To obtain a lean body fat content one should increase the cardio exercise, must take adequate protein, reduce fats and oils in the diet, must eat high fiber diet, try to perform daily physical activities and lift weights.