Nearly 12,500 women were transported to Van Diemen's Land, mostly for petty theft. This was roughly the same number as were sent to New South Wales. Two-thirds arrived after 1840, when transportation to New South Wales ceased. There were three phases of female transportation to Van Diemen's Land: exile or open prison (1803–13), assignment (1814–42), and probation (1843–53). In each, the numbers of convict women arriving in Van Diemen's Land increased, and they were subjected to more severe penal conditions.
From 1803 to 1813, about ninety convict women arrived. As the colonial population grew, so did the demand for female convict labour. Convict women were employed in domestic service, washing and on government farms, and were expected to find their own food and lodging. Punishment for those who transgressed was humiliating and public. Exile itself was considered a catalyst for reform. Economic and social opportunities allowed significantly improved circumstances for some convict women, while others struggled.
During the second period, from 1814 to 1842, just over 5400 female convicts arrived. In 1840, the number increased significantly when transportation to New South Wales ceased, and all female convicts were shipped to Van Diemen's Land. In this second period, transportation of convict women was characterised by the development of clearly articulated policies with an unequivocal economic and moral focus. Convict women were assigned as domestic labour, and were encouraged to reform though a system of rewards and indulgences, such as the ticket-of-leave, which permitted the holder to work for any employer for wages and to choose her own residence.
They have the ability to enforce law, the president only gives suggestions about new laws
They wanted to show that they had control over the territory where they set up blockades that isolated the West as act of strength on their part.
The English replaced France and Spain as the single-most influential political and economic power in North America during the first three quarters of the eighteenth century. During that time, the North American part of Spanish Empire covered an immense but sparsely populated and economically inactive territory. The colonies consisted of several small and isolated urban clusters, mostly under the control of Indian. The colonies' dependence on trade and extraction of Indian labor, and failure to attract settlers made the colony impoverish. Florida remained a stagnant military outpost, and others were dotted by a small number of mission outposts that attempted to convert Indian. French colonies, in contrast, was able to rival the British ones. It possessed a expanding colony in Canada and continued into Mississippi River Valley. Prosperous farming communities with a vibrant and established social life developed in colonies. Though populated, the colonies were still dwarfed by the British ones, due to the dominant prejudice against emigration. Yet the French still posed a threat to British in military and trading power. However, after the power struggle in the Seven Years' War, the British obtained Canada from French and Florida from Spain, and became the dominant power in North America.