Some accomplishments I would like to accomplish in life are:
1. Write and publish a science fiction novel
2. Run an online dance wear business
3. Dance Sugar Plum Fairy in the Nutcracker
4. Join a human rights organization and fight against the death penalty
5. Learn how to sew on a sewing machine and make my own clothes
6. Learn how to speak Norwegian, Dutch, and German fluently.
7. Move to a foreign country
A.) Continental glaciers are much larger and thicker
he writes about Jefferson not Washington or Franklin
It affected them deeply. It sounds as if they worked too long hours and they were not performing their best because they were so worn out. If workers are not cared for they be pink in the face and weary. They could develop a fever which could possibly get everyone in the facility sick. The work conditions are horrible the works might feel horrible. You cannot hand someone peanut butter and jelly and ask them to make a feast. In the same way poor facility conditions will bring burnt out weary and possibly sickly workers.