Risk assessment, Input validation and Output validation.
Software development life cycle, SDLC, is a systematic process a software being created must pass through or follow, from the stage of conception to death of the application.
There are various processes that occurs at the beginning of SDLC, a few of the activities are risk management, input and output validation.
Risk management is used to determine the feasibility, usefulness and profitability to cost of the software before development. The input and output validation is for security control access to the data of the software.
a measure of the number of spermatozoa per ejaculation or per measured amount of semen, used as an indication of a man's fertility.
struct node{
student data;
node* next;
The above written is the segment of code is the structure of node of the linked list.The data of the node is type student.So the data of the node of the linked list will consist of the student details and the next is the pointer which holds the address of the next node.
People earn income by getting jobs and working. When they work, they get paid. That's an income