Black absorbs all visible parts of the spectrum turning that light energy into heat. The more it absorbs the more heat it emits.
It’s a bot Bc when you do stuff you can believ it
price = float(input("Enter amount of a purchase: "))
shipping_price = 0.12* price
NJ_sales_Tax = 0.07*price
print('The price of item is {}'.format(price))
print('The Cost of Shipping is {}'.format(shipping_price) )
print('New Jessey Sales Tax is {}'.format(NJ_sales_Tax))
total_bill = shipping_price+NJ_sales_Tax+price
print('Total Bill {} ' .format(total_bill))
- Prompt User for input of the amount of purchase
- Calculate the shipping cost (12% of purchase price)
- Calculate the tax (7% of the purchase price)
- Use python's .format method to output an itemized bill
V44 uses Lempel-Ziv-Welch encoding to compress data.
Lempel–Ziv (LZW) created by Abraham Lempel and Jacob Ziv is a universal lossless data compression algorithm. It is an improvement of LZW algorithm.
It makes use of LZ78 algorithms. This algorithm achieve its compression by taking out repeated occurrences of data with references to a dictionary that is built based on the data stream it received as input.
Also, its dictionary pre-initialized with all available possible characters and symbols.
The answer is b. False. The extemporaneous presentation does not read directly from the slides The extemporaneous<span> speech involves the speaker's use of notes and some elaboration to deliver a speech. A speaker who uses this method would have note cards or prompts that guide him from point to point, but he uses his own words as he goes along. He has a loose guideline for his speech, he just used cues to know where to go next.</span>