is there anything else that it showed in that question bc we dont know how large the off spring is to answer this
C. (last one)
There is a lot of heavy superstition surrounding the ingestion of genetically modified foods and some people believe that consuming foods modified by different DNA can effect their own. However, this is scientifically impossible as a person's DNA is not something that can be modified by anything as you are born with it and your DNA makes up your entire body. Almost every cell in your body contains at least some DNA, meaning that to modify it, every single cell in your body would have to change
Comparative genomics of the three groups
The comparative genomics of the three groups was used to determine their evolutionary distinctiveness. Comparative genomics is a powerful tool used to study evolutionary changes among organisms, it helps to identify gene similarities and differences among organisms.
Bacteria and archaea (formerly called archaebacteria) were considered much more closely related, but DNA sequence analysis showed numerous differences between the two groups, and further proved that archaea was closely related to eukarya than bacteria.
However, in 1970, Dr. Carl Woese and other scientists in a bid to determine the distinction between the three groups made use of the nucletide sequence of the ribosomal RNA as an evolutionary time clock.
It is widely known that the rRNA sequences; is present in all organisms, functions differently in various organisms, is involved in protein synthesis, can be align between two organisms and can change gradually over a long period, hence this made it a good tool to determine evolutionary distinctiveness.