For the Roman Empire, trade was extremely significant. Numerous cities such as Rome had to import large quantities of food across the empire. Also from Europe, Africa, and the Near East, luxury goods came. There was an error. Carriage of goods on land was costly and often dangerous, and therefore most of the trade was carried out by shipping.
The trade is different from back then because it does not take so long and we have better ways of preserving things not so we can import lots of different items, so make it longer and there you go (:
The difference is the reason they went on the march D king did it because they wanted civil rights AIM march did it because they wanted to help rebuild there economy with housing land and also to stop drug abuse and starving
"In Greek mythology, Danaë was an Argive princess and mother of the hero Perseus by Zeus. She was credited with founding the city of Ardea in Latium during the Bronze Age." - Wikipedia