Answer: D. Public domain
Hi, the term Public domain is applied to works of authorship that are ineligible for protection by copyright laws, because the copyright has expired or it was never copyrighted in the first place.
Public domain may vary in different countries and jurisdictions, for example; a media piece may be protected by copyright in one specific country, and be public domain in other countries.
Feel free to ask for more if needed or if you did not understand something.
Time, due to the amount of time between the initial action and the filing of the report, federico could claim the it didn't happen or something
#Function for the calculcations needed
function subtotal_gratuity_total(subtotal,gratuity_rate):
gratuity_rate = gratuity_rate/100 #this is assuming the user enters the gratuity as a percentage value (e.g. 15)
gratuity = subtotal*gratuity_rate
total = subtotal+gratuity
return subtotal, gratuity_rate, gratuity, total
#Reading the values the user enters
Output(“Input subtotal”)
input (subtotal)
Output(“Input gratuity rate”)
input (gratuity_rate)
#Calling function we created with the values the user enters as inputs,
#and the 4 values required as outputs
subtotal,gratuity_rate,gratuity, total = subtotal_gratuity_total(subtotal,gratuity_rate)
This program is written in C++. You can implement this program in any language. The code along with comments is given below in explanation section.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() // main function
int number, reverseNumber=0, reminder; //varible declaration
cout<<"Enter a number: "; //prompt user to enter the number
cin>>number; //save the entered number into number variable
while(number!=0) //while number does not become zero.... remain in loop
reminder=number%10; // taken reminder of number
reverseNumber=reverseNumber*10+reminder; //store the number digit into reverse order
number/=10; //decrease the number or shift the division to next digit
cout<<"Reversed Number: "<<reverseNumber<<endl; //print reversed number.
return 0;
Answer: False
The given statement is false as, the content filter is the network device which is used to allow the administrator to control the external access in the network. It is also known as reverse firewall.
The firewall is used to separate network and support many several number of devices in the network. It basically used to protect the data or information in the network and it is not common in the residential content filter.