Carter score falls within the range of scores, from 300 to 579, considered Very Poor. Score is significantly below the average credit score.
1.) Write the formula, which assigns double x to double n raised to the double z power.
Answer: 2\times x → 2\times n^(2\times z<u>)</u>
2.) Write a formula, which will add 5 to the cube of double t times double n, and assign it to double x.
Answer: 5\plus 2\times t^3→2\times x
3.) Write a formula, which will assign double x to square root of the sum of the squares of the lengths of the two legs of a triangle. Declare double leg1, and double leg2, in order to find the hypotenuse. (Pythagorean Theorem)
Answer: 2\times x → \sqrt \{(l^2)_1 + (l^2)_2\}= hypotenuse
4.) Write a program that find the distance between two values on the number line by taking the absolute value of their difference. Assign the answer to double x. The two numbers have been declared as follows:
double num1, num2
Answer: length = \sqrt\{|num2 - num1\|} → 2\times x
For 1), you should also add that methods in C++ are called member functions. Thus, the difference between functions and methods in this context is analogous to the difference between functions and member functions in C++. Furthermore, languages like Java only have methods. In this case, functions would be analogous to static methods and methods would have the same meaning. For 2), you should add that a method is able to operate on the private instance (member) data declared as part of the class. Any code can access public instance data.
A function is a mathematical construct. I would say all methods are functions but not all functions are methods
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