Running after school
Exercise and other physical activity produce endorphins—chemicals in the brain that act as natural painkillers—and also improve the ability to sleep, which in turn reduces stress.
HDI refers to Human Development Index and it’s a measure of the key elements and areas of how citizens of the country develop. These can be measured through their average income, health care etc.
China- 0.761 85th
USA - 0.926 17th
Japan- 0.919 19th
UK- 0.932 13th
Saudi Arabia- 0.854 40th
Iraq- 0.674 123rd
There is a great deal of overlap between neuroscience and Biological psychology
When studying the principle of biologic, when they are merely analyzing the biopsychology studies, they are classified under the field of Neuroscience. According to different researches conducted, it is evident that there is a significant relationship between the brain and another psychological process that take place in the body of human being
Therefore the biology concept is related to psychology with other methods of inheritance that makes people behave in different ways while at diverse environments.
Move closer to in-group
It is believed according to social identity that behavior of individuals can be changed by organization if the organization can first modify the self-identity of the individuals. Hence, it claims that when people with different social identity are put together in a group, the we-group will mover closer to in-group others who perform more poorly than we do on an important task, when the group identity is salient.
register with their states to vote.
The purpose of the voting registeration is to ensure that there is no illegal votes conducted to manipulate the resut.
Without the registration, citizens from other states could come to different states in order to vote for their candidates multiple times without getting detected